
TUFH is supported by a Secretariat, defined as a backbone agency that supports The Network and its initiatives. For the first 25 years, the Secretariat of The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) was at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. In 2008, the Secretariat moved to Ghent University in Belgium. In 2016 the Secretariat moved to the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). In 2021, TUFH has evolved to be supported by a Secretariat Consortium represented by  several Secretariat Institutions.

Secretariat Member Benefits
1) Invited to participate as a nonvoting member of the board regarding TUFH’s global strategy and relationship with WHO.  Co-branding as an international organization. 
2) Priority consideration to host the annual conference for the respective region. 
3) Priority consideration to host a Center of Excellence for the respective country and possibly the region.
4) Co-branding of global learning products (TUFH Academies/Symposium Series/Social Accountability Fellowship).  
5) Special Promotion to TUFH Network and Social media of opportunities to prospective students/faculty of your organization upon request.
6) Exhibition Booth at the annual TUFH conference at no extra cost.
7) On TUFH promotional videos and media, be highlighted as a Secretariat Member.
8) Unlimited slots to add individuals to the TUFH Online Community (tufh.org).
9) Free attendance at TUFH symposiums for your staff and students.
10) At the Annual Conference, your institution will be promoted on the mobile app with a logo, description, website, and contact person; who can engage with conference participants.
11) Opportunity to co-host the regional Virtual Conference.
12)  Special requests.
To become a Secretariat Member, please contact secretariat@thenetworktufh.org.
Your institution will need to apply and be approved by the Board of Directors.