Advisory Board

The Advisory Board Committee provides a broader perspective on matters facing The Network: TUFH, including strategy, partnerships, member benefits, and other opportunities. The Advisory Committee is made up of Task Force Chairs, Eminences, Partner Organizations, Thought Leaders, Immediate Past President of SNO, and co-editor of Education for Health.

The Advisory Committee is composed of a cross section of academia, health systems, community health industry leaders and global institution field builders.

Collectively, the Advisory Board Committee frames the annual Primary Global Health Care Issues/Challenges leading toward global and regional policy recommendations. The Advisory Board Committee does this through hosting weekly thought leadership symposiums, publishing best practice journal editions, hosting annual Solutions Challenges and publishing Policy/Position Papers.

Arthur Kaufman, MD is a Distinguished Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Community Health at the University of New Mexico; the Director of the Health Extension Regional Officers (HEROs) Program and Director of the Community Health Workers Initiatives Program; Director of the University of New Mexico’s W.H.O. Collaborating Center; and an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine He served in the U.S.P.H.S Indian Health Service in South Dakota and New Mexico.

Head, Discipline of Rural and Remote Medicine Rural Clinical School The University of Queensland, Australia

Candice Chen, MD, MPH, is the Chair of Beyond Flexner Alliance (BFA) and an Associate Professor in the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University.

Charles Boelen is a medical doctor (University of Liège, Belgium, 1966 ), specialized in public health (Université de Montréal, Canada), epidemiology ( McGill University, Montreal), health system management (Harvard and Stanford, USA)and education of health professionals ( Université de Paris XIII, France )

prof Ciraj Ali Mohammed, Deputy Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Interprofessional Development, is a Professor of Microbiology at Manipal University

David Bor, MD serves as the Chief Academic Officer for Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA). Dr. Bor previously served as CHA’s chief of medicine for 21 years during which time he trained, mentored, and recruited hundreds of providers and current leaders

Dr. Marsh is the Chief Medical Director for Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres and Professor Clinical Sciences at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Professor at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco. Deyanira is an experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education.

Professor, Discipline of General Practice, University of Newcastle Professor Pond has served 2 full terms as the Western Pacific Regional Representative of The Network: TUFH Board of Directors.

Erin Corriveau, MD, MPH is a practicing physician, mentor and educator in primary care and population health. She is the director of undergraduate medical education at the University of Kansas department of Family Medicine and Community Health.

Tine Hansen-Turton is President and Chief Executive Officer of Woods. Ms. Hansen-Turton is an Executive with more than 20 years of experience in health and human services senior management, executive leadership and consulting.

Shafik Dharamsi is Dean and Professor of the School of Public Health at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. He brings over 25 years of international experience advancing interdisciplinary and transformative education, research, and practice, integrating the medical and public health sciences within a humanities context for the public good.

Pediatrician MPH. MSc. Associate Professor Family Medicine and Population Health – Faculty of Medicine – University of La Sabana. Consultant in maternal and child health education and community health.

Prof Steve Reid is a Family Physician with extensive experience in clinical practice, education and research in the field of rural health in South Africa. He holds a MBChB degree from the University of Cape Town, a Masters in Family Medicine from Medunsa, and a PhD in Education from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Prof Steve Reid is a Family Physician with extensive experience in clinical practice, education and research in the field of rural health in South Africa. He holds a MBChB degree from the University of Cape Town, a Masters in Family Medicine from Medunsa, and a PhD in Education from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Dr Surekha Tayade -Narrative Bio Dr. Surekha Tayade, MBBS, MD, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), MNAMS, FICOG, ACME, FAIMER Fellow did her graduation and post-graduation from Government Medical College, Nagpur. She joined the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Sewagram, India in 2002, is a full Professor since 2011 and presently heads an independent unit at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, DMIMS, DU, Wardha.

Hester Julie is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Western Cape where she has been a faculty member since 1989. She was responsible for coordinating the Clinical Teaching Program, Service-learning and Community Engagement in the School of Nursing from 2015 to 2017.

Born in Durban, South Africa, he studied at the University of Natal Medical School. This medical school was a hotbed of anti-apartheid activism and Shabir spent a bit time in the 1980s as a student in jail. He started practicing in 1990 as a general practitioner (GP) in Kokstad, a small rural town near poverty-stricken Transkei, and rose rapidly through the ranks of the African National Congress (ANC). He turned down a seat in the first post-apartheid parliament in South Africa in 1994 and continued as a GP in Kokstad.

Medical Doctorate, MHPE, FAIMER Fellow, UNESCO TOT Full professor in Forensic Medicine Ain Shams University, Director of ASU-MENA-FRI My “one day” is “Today”. I believe in justice and educational reform that is built on justice and objective. I have a wide experience in project management and proposal writing after being a part of the Ministry of Higher Education EU project team for quite some time. Learning to plan and write strategies added to my capacity as a health professions educator and I believe added a lot to my direction and unique approach.

Mrs. Vibeke Westh is the former (2007 – 2019) President of the Danish Nurses Organization, Capital Region and Former President of the Danish Nurse Organization Capital Country (1995 – 2007). She is a Registered Nurse since 1987. Mrs. Westh is very active in national and regional health boards and associations including, but not limited to Unicef Denmark committee; Danish Nurses Organization; Metropol University College, Copenhagen, and EFFNMA / WHO Europa standing committee for nurses and midwives.

Dr. John Gilbert has been a seminal leader in the education of health professionals in British Columbia, Canada and internationally. His vision and leadership led to the concept of interprofessional education being developed as a central tenet of collaborative person-centered practice and care. Dr. John Gilbert is founding Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia.

Roger Strasser AM Professor of Rural Health Dean and CEO Northern Ontario School of Medicine Lakehead and Laurentian Universities Canada Professor Roger Strasser is a leader in the global reform of health professional education. Recognizing the importance of context and community in medical education and research, Professor Strasser has gained an international reputation for developing and refining novel strategies to train health professionals in and for rural communities.

Robert F Woollard, MD, CCFP, FCFP Professor, UBC Department of Family Practice Dr. Woollard is Professor of Family Practice at UBC. He has extensive national and international experience in the fields of medical education, the social accountability of medical schools, ecosystem approaches to health, and sustainable development.

Judy Lewis helped found the Women and Health Task Force of the Network TUFH in 1991, and currently serves on the Management Committee of Women and Health Together for the Future. Prof. Lewis is a public health sociologist who has been on the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center for over 40 years.  She is currently Professor Emeritus of Community Medicine and Pediatrics.  She developed many child health programs in Hartford, CT USA, including one of the first school-based health clinic programs.

Julian Fisher is a policy advisor and analyst specializing in health workforce education, social and environmental determinants of health, and global oral health.

Dr. Pratyush Kumar is a family physician with an interest in rural health and primary care policy and research. He chairs WONCA Rural South Asia and WONCA executive member at large. He is currently working in rural areas of Bihar and also associated with the Department of Geriatrics at Patna Medical College hospital.

Dr. Ray Markham has worked in rural family practice for over 20 years. He has had a diverse and productive medical career that has taken him across the globe. Born in Zimbabwe and trained in South Africa, Dr. Markham first immigrated to Canada in 1992, where he practiced for three years in rural Newfoundland.

Co-Founder and Strategy Officer for Global and Community Health Dr. Laura Chanchien Parajón, a family physician, medical missionary (International Ministries), and public health professional, co-founded AMOS Health and Hope with her husband, David, and has worked in the health equity “trenches” of rural Nicaragua for the past 18 years. She has a strong call to work towards a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive and live an abundant life.

Malika Fair, MD, MPH is the Director of Public Health Initiatives at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Dr. Fair directs both the Urban Universities for HEALTH (Health Equity through Alignment, Leadership, and Transformation of Health Workforce) project and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Cooperative Agreement with AAMC. Dr. Fair is also an Assistant Clinical Professor and practicing physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine of The George Washington University.

Peter Pype is a post-doctoral researcher working at the department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care at Ghent University and collaborating with the End-of-Life Care Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) & Ghent University since 2016. He studied Medicine at the KUL in Leuven and obtained his Master’s degree in 1991. He holds a PhD in Health Sciences (2014).

Professor in Family Medicine Deputy Dean responsible for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. Principal Investigator Stellenbosch University Rural Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI).

Associate Professor Noeline Nakasujja is the Chair for the Department of Psychiatry at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University. Her research interests include geriatric psychiatry and cognitive impairment in HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Meredith del Pilar-Labarda is a Professor and the Chairperson of the Department of Medicine at the University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences, an innovative school known for its community-oriented stepladder health professions education curriculum. She is the lead for Social Innovation in Health Initiative (SIHI) Global Network Secretariat, a global network of passionate individuals, organizations and institutions advocating for social innovation in health and advancing research in social innovation launched by the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) in 2014, as well as the lead for SIHI Philippines Hub. Both SIHI country hub and secretariat are hosted at the University of the Philippines Manila. She is also a Doctor of Social Development and the school’s lead coordinator for health leadership and governance programs in partnership with government and non-government organizations in co-designing training modules, providing capacity building trainings and coaching for local chief executives, municipal health officers and other important stakeholders in the local health system and community.

Godwin N. Aja, DrPH, is a Professor of Public Health at the Graduate School Public Health Department, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines, with 28 years’ experience in public health teaching, research and community service. He was formerly the Chair of Department of Public Health, Babcock University, Nigeria. He is the current President of Association for Public Health Teaching, Research and Service; Member, Advisory Board of Cochrane Nigeria; Treasurer, Women and Health Together for the Future; and Africa Representative on the Board of The Network: Towards Unity for Health.

Kamayani Mahabal is a Human Rights lawyer and activist with a background in journalism and clinical psychology. She is a Founder Member of human rights organisation ‘ AHSAAS’ involved in educating people in the field of human rights by way of providing legal remedies and aid to victims of economic, social, psychological and physical oppression in Punjab.

Dr. Mohamed El Hassan Abdalla EL Sayed has memberships and affiliations to regional and international organizations work in Health Professions Education such as the Network-TUFH, International Reference Group on Social Accountability of Medical Schools, Association of Medical Education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the Society of Cost and Value in Health Professions Education. His publications and research interests in Medical Education are in the areas of social accountability, Teaching and learning, Accreditation and Cost and Value.

Dr. Rr. Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih is a professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing in the University Gadjah Mada.

Dr. Jan De Maeseneer is head of WHO Collaborating Centre for Family Medicine and Primary Health Care.  He was also Head of the Department Family Medicine and Primary Health Care at Ghent University (1991-2017). From 2007-2015 he was Secretary-General of The Network: Towards Unity for Health. 

Dr. Maxwell is Associate Dean & Executive Director of Indiana University’s Interprofessional Practice & Education Center, and Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the Indiana University School of Medicine. She has been involved in interprofessional education and collaborative practice since the late 1980’s working in this field in the US, Europe, and Asia. She is a member of InterprofessionalResearch.Global, an international collaborative organization focused on bringing together experts in the field to advance interprofessional practice, research, and theory generation, at the global level.

Dr. Mercy Wanjala is a member of the AfroPHC Executive Coordination team running the monthly Policy Workshops. She is a member of the AV-HCP ECHO Advisory Committee on Adult immunization, standing for AfroPHC. She is the WONCA Rural Seeds Ambassador Africa and a member of the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice Executive Council. 

Omar Ala’aldin Alhussaini is an accomplished medical professional with a background in internal medicine and medical education. He graduated from Jordan University of Science and Technology, introduced OSCE to Oman, and co-founded the Department of Medical Education at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital. With experience in Oman’s health system and private sector, he specializes in treating chronic conditions and advocates for a holistic approach to patient care and health education.

Dr. Tegbar Yigzaw is a physician, public health specialist and human resource for health (HRH) expert with more than 18 years of work experience with Ethiopia’s heath and higher education systems.His experience gives him a robust understanding of the health system and medical education system.For close to 13 years, he led Jhpiego’s health workforce programs taking on greater responsibilities over the years. At present, he is the Chief of Party for USAID’s Health Workforce Improvement Program at Jhpiego.

Farah M. Shroff is a Takemi Fellow in International Health at the Harvard School of Public Health, an Associate of the University of British Columbia Department of Family Practice and the School of Population and Public Health, and a Canadian public intellectual with expertise in global public health research and education. Dr. Shroff is the founder of Maternal and Infant Health Canada (MIHCan), a global public health collaborative that focuses on improving the lives of women and children through education, research, and innovation.

Henry De Holanda Campos is the past Secretary General of The Network: Towards Unity for Health. He is also a professor at the Federal University of Ceará.

Dr. Harris Lygidakis is CEO of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). The areas of research he is interested in are eHealth, mobile health, primary health care, global health and health literacy. He has 10+ years of experience working with multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, and in non-for-profit organizations. 

Dr. Martin is a physician who, since September 2012, has served as the founding Executive Director of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). Between 1993-2011, Dr. Martin served as a Member of Parliament in Canada’s House of Commons. He held portfolios in foreign affairs, health, the environment, defense  and international development. He has been on many diplomatic missions in areas in crisis around the world but particularly across Africa and worked as a physician on the Mozambique border during their civil war. He has spent many years volunteering on conservation efforts in  South Africa and is a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada.

Mr. Oyeyemi Jr. is the Director of the Social Mission Alliance, with research, teaching, and practice experience in the health workforce, health professions education, and community health assessment and response. Mr. Oyeyemi is an inaugural Senior Fellow (2017) of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity based at the Mullan Institute. 

Dr. Harris Lygidakis is CEO of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). The areas of research he is interested in are eHealth, mobile health, primary health care, global health and health literacy. He has 10+ years of experience working with multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, and in non-for-profit organizations. 

Simran Spal is a fourth-year medical student from India She is an advocate for global health and a researcher at heart. She is active in organisations dedicated to achieving universal health coverage, undergraduate medical research, and public health. She has been a proud member of SNO for the past three years, serving as SNO regional activities assistant and SEA Regional representative. Birdwatching, speed cubing, poetry are some of her interests. She wants to be a resident physician in the United States.  

Prattama is a lecturer in the Department of Medical Education and Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada and practices as an emergency physician. Serving as a managing editor of the Indonesian Journal of Medical Education, his research interest is in health professions education; particularly peer-assisted learning (PAL) and clinical skills training; and general medicine. He is involved in the curriculum committee of undergraduate medicine and clinical skills laboratory management in the medical school. He also co-coordinates of the FAIMER Regional Institute of Indonesia for Educational Development and Leadership (FRIENDSHIP).

Dr. Jyotsna Rimal is an oral health expert with specialization in Oral Diagnosis with specific interest on oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) specifically oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), oral cancer, orofacial pain disorders. She has received fellowship on Cancer Leadership and cancer prevention. She has been a resource person for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training in Nepal and India. She holds a fellowship in Foundation of Advancement in Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and she has an experience of leading Department of Health Professions Education for more than 7 years.

Jyotsna Sriranga (MDS, MHPE, FAIMER Fellow) is a transformation strategist for Health Professions education organisations. She has specialised in Public Health Dentistry (RGUHS, India) and Health Professions Education (Maastricht University, Netherlands). She is the Director and CEO, Urja-Catalysts for Transformation which provides consultancy in curriculum design, academic leadership and research.