iSTEP 2022-2023

14 institutions from 12 different countries participated with tutors and students in the three courses in iSTEP 2022-2023.

Courses in iSTEP 2022-2023

  • Innovative Cities and Health
  • Communication: Talking with Partners, Patients, and Communities
  • Social Determinants of Health


Here’s the list of institutions that joined the iSTEP 2022-2023


  Institution Country
1 Universidad  de La Sabana Columbia
2 University of Limerick Ireland
3 Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences India
4 University of Gezira Sudan
5 Vives Hogeschool Belgium
6 Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
7 Nelson Mandela University South Africa
8 University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates
9 HoGent Belgium
10 Saxion Netherlands
11 SNO Global
12 Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences India
13 International Higher School of Medicine Kyrgyzystan
14 Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas Columbia


Student’s Participations